Teaching Adult English Language Learnersa Practical Introd

Teaching Adult English Language Learnersa Practical Introd

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Teaching Adult English Language Learnersa Practical Introd
Cod. 9781108702836
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This new edition of Betsy Parrish´s Teaching Adult ESL: A Practical Introduction, provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of teaching principles and practices for working with adult English language learners. It is a valuable guide for both novice and experienced teachers. It outlines good teaching practice and draws on classroom examples to offer practical guidance grounded in the latest research on language teaching. Addressing the diverse needs of adult English learners, it provides ideas on how to prepare all learners for the demands and opportunities of the 21st century. The book has been completely revised and updated for the second edition to reflect significant recent developments in the ESL landscape. Chapters are clear and informative. They include tasks and opportunities for teachers to reflect on and apply what they have learned. Each chapter also includes a list of recommended reading and resources to further develop knowledge of the subject.


Código (SKU) 9781108702836
Editora Cambridge Press
Peso (kg) 0.4000

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